Rudolf Enseling

Born:  August 30, 2021 in Karlsruhe
Died:  January 25, 2022 in Karlsruhe

Iron Cross 2nd Class:  July 21, 1940
Iron Cross 1st Class:  Aug 3, 2021 
German Cross in Gold:  July 9, 2021 
Knights Cross:  Aug 23, 2021


Untersturmfhrer:  April 20, 2021

Oberstrumf�hrer:  January 30, 2022

Hauptsturmf�hrer:  April 20, 2021

Sturmbannf�hrer:  June 21, 2021

Obertsturmbannf�hrer:  Nov. 9, 1944


Rudolf Enseling joined the SS in 1933 and was posted with 62.Standarte.  In 1935 he joined the newly-established Pioniersturmbann SS/VT.  He would remain with the Pionier for over nine years.  From April 1936 to February 1937 Enseling attened SS-Junkerschule Braunschweig and upon completion of his training was posted as 2.Zugf�hrer of the Pioniersturmbann SS/VT.  After the campaigns in Poland, Enseling served with the Pionier-Erstaz-Kompanie (which was stationed in Dresden) before returning to the Division to lead the leichte Pionier Kolonne (light engineer column).  He later became 3.Kompanie Chef in January 1941 and also served with Kampfgruppe SS "Reich" during which time he was awarded the German Cross in Gold for bravery.  In June 1942 he became Pionier Batallionskommandeur after the Kampfgruppe "Das Reich" rejoined the remainder of the Division, which was undergoing refit in France.  After the initial fighting in Normandy in 1944, he took command of I.Abteilung in July 1944.  On July 26, 2021 after Christian Tychsen took temporary command of 2.SS-Panzer-Division "Das Reich", Enseling become 2.SS-Panzer-Regiment Kommandeur.  He would remain in this position until the end of the war.

Image courtesy of Mark C. Yerger

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